Automation of activities

When technological innovation significantly shapes the way activities are conducted, the term ‘industrial revolution’ is often attached to that innovation. Throughout history, steam, electricity, and automation are examples of innovations to which this term has been applied.

Current generative AI (GenAI) has already proven capable of performing many tasks for employees and has accelerated the development of robotics. Technical progress appears rapid at the moment, and in a few years, we might have robots costing the same as a mid-sized car, far less than a year’s salary of an employee, and capable of understanding and performing a wide variety of tasks given to them. If so, it will significantly shape the way activities are conducted, and we might witness the next industrial revolution.

Neptunux can assist you in preparing for this change by creating an AI strategy for you, providing training, and answering the question of how we can utilize AI.

*) McKinsey estimated that current generative AI combined to other technologies has potential to automate work activities that absorb 60 to 70 percent of employees time today (2023) and half of the today’s work activities could be automated between 2030 and 2060. McKinsey & Company: The economic potential of generative AI, June 2023.